Saturday, January 3, 2009

About time..

Its really about time that I did something here, cause its been forever! I need to take more time to do something with this page. Alot of stuff has happened since last time i wrote, so i figured i would just upload pictures I've taken lately and write something about each picture :)

First time ever carving pumpkins! Notice Seth is laughing at me while Brian is laughing AND pointing at me.

Kaleb being Kaleb, lol.

Kaleb, Britt and me at the Christmas parade up at Kalamazoo, it was soooo cold out!!

Emma, me, aunt Sissy and grandma Carol in Gurnee Mills in Chicago, we were in this jungle restaurant thing. It was pretty cool actually, we shopped all day!! :)

The whole family out celebrating grandma Carol and aunt Sue's birthday :)

Me making mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving, they were AMAZING! lol

Mr. Corey and Seth doing their thing at Thanksgiving.

Dorothy and Tristan helping me bake. They are adorable!

I broke my finger at basketball practice and Amy had to take me in to the hospital right before our game friday! We figured we would snap some shots. Look at how fat my ringfinger looks!
Eiuh, nastylookin!

Pictures from school.

Gym class. Haha, Quinn being Quinn.

Arriel at lunch :)

Me and Amber Webber!

Me and Casey in a decked out senior hallway.


Me and Alicia Rose in spanish class.

Loving the bench! Couldn't do any basketball because of my finger so i brought my camera!

Corky doing her thing :)

Varsity Gals!!

At the eight-grade Championship game. This was taken right after practice and we were dead tired!
Maybe too tired?! lol.

They made Champions! Yay!!
That was about it, :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Stuff!

I've just had my first ever Thanksgiving and it was nothing less than amazing :) There was ALOT of food! Like, this huge table was filles with food!! And then when we were done with the entrees, the desserts came, and once again the huge table was filled with pies and you name it!

We spent thanksgiving at grandma and grandpa Johnson's house at we had the Harbaughs there with grandma Jean Ann, and Mr Coreys brother Brad and his wife and little girl Dorothy. :) Later on Aunt Holly came too and brought the kids, so we all went up to the school and shot some baskets for about an hour, we had tons of fun :)

The day after thanksgiving is this huge shopping day here in america and all of the stores open at like 4 am! Kristine, you would love this! So we got up at like 5 and went off to Kalamazoo for our big shopping day! We hit some stores and then went off to the Mall :) It was so much fun even though I was out of it cause I was sooooo tired! And me and Amy had the most hilarious and weird episode at target..

It was towards the end of the day and we were both soo tired and just about done with everything, we just wanted to check out and head back home when I asked Amy to help me find some Christmas candy to send back home to my parents. She said sure and we headed for the Candy Isle..

So I picked up a bag of nuts and here is how it goes..

Jane: Nuts! thats perfect, my mom and dad loves nuts!
Then we moved from one side of the isle to the other and amy picks up a tin can of nuts.
Amy: Here, send them this. This is perfect
Jane:Noo, why the heck would I send them a pound of nuts!? They have nuts in Norway!!
And then Amy gives me this look, like I was a dork.

It probably does not sound as funny written here, and we didnt think it was funny at all right there, but we were cracking up in the car, I think you had to be there to think its funny, cause the guys thought we had been smoking something funny once we got home..

Yesterday we had Grandpa Walt's Service and it went by really quick..
And then we went out to eat all together for Grandma Carol and Aunt Sue's Birthday..
That was about it I think..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Sooo Thanksgiving is here.. Its actually tomorrow and I feel like time is gone by soo FAST!! Im really excited about Thanksgiving since its my first one ever! Im not really sure about the reason why we have Thanksgiving but I think it has something to do with some indians..
I'm also excited about the day AFTER thanksgiving! BLACK FRIDAY!!for you guys that dont know what black friday is; biggest shopping day ever!! It's going to be sweet! People get up in the middle of the night to go shopping!! Why don't have anything like that in Norway? xD
And for you guys out there that think Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving, might I say you are very very wrong!! Christmas does not start until the month of December!! On monday, that is! There alot going on right now, we also have our first basketball game on tuesday against Schoolcraft. I'm excited about that (:

I'm not gonna write alot today since im tired from basketball practice..So just to sum it all up, Thanksgiving=eat alot, watch football, sleep :)
Black Friday= a whole lot of shopping for low prices :)
Christmas= starts December 1.!!
Basketball= first game on tuesday :)

I'll try to get some more in here guys!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting started..

So I guess its time to get this thing rolling. Ive been putting it off for like forever now, so I thought I'll talk about things thats happened so far :)
Cheering! Football!
Holly, Nic and Roxy being superfans :)

Football season has come and gone and I miss it alot! Friday's just arent the same! We had alot of fun during football! And since we dont have football in Norway I got to see football for the first time and it was pretty sweet! But now basketball has started and I am loving it so far, Ive had one week of practice and its alot of fun :) Im on the JV team but we have a lot of fun together.

We've been to Cedar Point too, and that was pretty sweet, we were there during Halloweekend. It was us( Johnsons) and the Harbaughs :) We had tons of fun together! I didnt ride all the rides but I did some, I was too chicken for the big one that lasts like 20 sec.

Mr. Corey, Tuck, Peyton, Brian and Seth waiting in line for The Maverick.

Me and Emma :)


Homecoming was pretty sweet too. except the dance and the game were cancelled, but we had them two weeks later. Ive never had homecoming before so that was new too, we did dress up days, gamenight( ALOT OF FUN!) and the muddy tug of war :)

From the Bonfire/ Muddy tug of war.

Amber, Anne and me before gamesnight!

Guess thats what I had time for 2nite :) I am going to try to write soon :)